Anastasia Khimich e Iara Mourato

O meu nome é Yanisa Butcha.

Yanisa Butcha, 16 anos, da Tailândia, encontra-se em Portugal desde Setembro de 2017, através do programa “AFS” (Intercultura). Frequenta o 10º ano do curso de Ciências e Tecnologias na escola secundária Calazans Duarte. É a entrevistada desta edição do P&V. Devido ao facto de a Yanisa não dominar a língua portuguesa, a entrevista foi feita em Inglês, com ajuda da minha colega, Iara Mourato.

Anastasia Khimich/Iara Mourato: Why did you apply to this programme?
Yanisa Butcha: Because another friend went to Norway and I gained interest in the programme.
AK/IM: Would you recommend this programme to other students?
YB: Yes.
AK/IM: What grade do you attend?
YB: I am in 10th grande.
AK/IM: What grade where you in your country and what classes did you take?
YB: In Thailand I also attended the same course and grade.
AK/IM: Why did you choose Portugal?
YB: I like the people from Portugal.
AK/IM: What’s your foster family like? Do they have kids around your age?
YB: They are very kind and very nice. Their kids are younger, they have 13 years.
AK/IM: Where do you live and how do you come to school?
YB: I live in Comeira, Marinha Grande. I come to school by car and I go home by bus.
AK/IM: What are the different rules in your foster family and your own?
YB: There are no differences, it`s the same.
AK/IM: How are you adapting to the Portuguese language?
YB: I have classes with a friend from another country. I think it’s easier to learn Math than Portuguese.
AK/IM: Have you had difficulties in school?
YB: Yes, in geometry class, it’s very difficult. The teacher tells me to translate everything so it becomes easier.
AK/IM: How are you overcoming those difficulties?
YB: I have my friend, he speak English and helps me in all classes.
AK/IM: Given that you don’t dominate the Portuguese language, how do you communicate with your classmates?
YB: I speak English with my classmates.
AK/IM: Are they trying to understand your language and teaching you Portuguese?
YB: Yes.
AK/IM: Do you have friend in school?
YB: Yes, they’re all from my class.
AK/IM: Do people discriminate against you for being foreign?
YB: No, they’re all kind with me.
AK/IM: Are the Portuguese teenagers different from the ones in your country? In what way?
YB: Yes. We don’t have kisses, inside or outside school. In Portugal when they have a question, they ask, in Thailand, they are more reserved and don’t ask.
AK/IM: And are the teachers different?
YB: Yes. Thai teachers give us a lot of homework to do, in Portugal they give us less homework.
AK/IM: What do you do on your free time, outside of school?
YB: I watch movies in my house, listen to music and talk with my friends from Thailand. Saturdays I have swimming in Marinha Grande.
AK/IM: How did you spend your Christmas break?
YB: I stayed at home, with all the family. I video chat with my family.
AK/IM: What are the biggest differences between your hometown and Marinha Grande?
YB: Pathum Thani, my hometown, had many cars. It’s bigger than Marinha Grande and also hotter. It’s like summer everyday.
AK/IM: When are you going back to Tailand?
YB: I return in July.
AK/IM: After this experience do you plan in coming back to Portugal?
YB: Yes. To sightsee the country.
AK/IM: Do you feel more free in here or in Thailand?
YB: In here.
AK/IM: Do you think the young people are more free in Portugal?
YB: Yes.
AK/IM: Do you have a boyfriend in Thailand or in Portugal?
YB: No.
AK/IM: But do you want one?
YB: Yes.
AK/IM: Do you know any portuguese words? Which ones?
YB: Yes.
• Olá.
• O meu nome é Yanisa Butcha.
• Sou da Tailândia.
• Sou Tailandesa.
• Tenho 16 anos
• Moro na Marinha Grande.


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